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"A caring, friendly and gifted dentist with a passion for the NHS"

A review of Dr P S Badesha by Loraine written on Thursday 27th of May 2010


I totally agree with Pauline. Having had traumatic dentistry experiences throughout childhood and my teenage years, together with a track record of incomplete anaesthesia, I refused to see a dentist from the age of 16 to 20. I'm so glad I was persuaded to go see the new young dentist at the practice - his caring, patient and friendly manner restored my faith in dentists and I have continued to see him regularly almost 30 years later, only seeing others when he hasn't been available. Terrified of needles, I rarely have injections, even for root canal work, but on the few occasions Adrian has persuaded me to have one, he has carefully relaxed me enough to administer it and then patiently waited for sometimes 40 minutes until it has taken effect. An absolutely gifted professional with a passion for quality work and total dedication to the NHS, I dread the day he retires - I've never felt at ease with any dentist as much as Adrian - he's a rare find..

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Dr P S Badesha

Map showing Dr P S Badesha on Branch Road